[DL] CFP ONTOLP Workshop at IJCAI 2015

Fabio Grandi fabio.grandi at unibo.it
Tue Apr 21 17:36:03 CEST 2015

Ontologies and Logic Programming for Query Answering

This international workshop is affiliated with 
the 24th International Joint Conference on 
Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-2015, 
http://ijcai-15.org) and will take place in 
Buenos Aires, Argentina, July , 2015.

Workshop description
The aim of this workshop is to bridge knowledge 
representation and reasoning in artificial 
intelligence and web of knowledge communities in 
order to encourage the emergence of new solutions 
for reasoning with lightweight ontologies.
Query answering while taking ontologies into account.
Non monotonic reasoning for inconsistency 
handling and exception handling and expressing default negations in ontologies.

Concerning the first point, a challenging issue 
is how to adapt or extend Answer Set Programming 
to represent ontological knowledge. In 
particular, can (a fragment of) ASP cover 
lightweight ontological languages while keeping decidability and efficiency?

Concerning the second point, a challenging issue 
is how to extend lightweight ontological 
languages with non-monotonic features, while 
keeping a good computational complexity. In particular,
how to embed exceptions-based and inconsistency 
tolerant-based reasoning in a tractable ontological language?
how to integrate uncertainty information in lightweight ontological languages?
how to define merging operations where both 
inputs and outputs are in lightweight ontological languages?

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
Reasoning with lightweight ontologies
Reasoning with tractable fragments of OWL languages
Belief change & tractable Description logics
Reasoning on the web of data
Ontology-based data-access
Ontological query answering
Belief change & ASP
Datalog+/- & existential rules
ASP & description logics
ASP & uncertainty
First-order ASP

The workshop is expected to bring together people from different
research communities that are actively pursuing this line of

Paper submission
The authors should submit their paper via EasyChair:

We expect submissions of both mature and 
preliminary works. Long papers will not exeed 8 
pages and short papers will not exceed 4 pages in 
pdf formatted using the AAAI style according to the instructions at

After the workshop, the authors of accepted 
papers will be invited to submit an extended 
version for inclusion in a special issue of the 
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 
(AMAI) journal published by Springer.

Important dates
Paper submission deadline: April 27, 2015
Notification of acceptance: May 20, 2015
Camera ready papers: May 30, 2015
Workshop date: July 25-27 2015

Program committee
Maria Teresa Alsinet Bernado (University of Lleida, Spain)
Jean-François Baget (INRIA, Montpellier, France)
Chitta Baral (Arizona State University, U.S.A.)
Madalina Croitoru (University of Montpellier 2, France)
Jim Delgrande (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver. Canada)
Thomas Eiter (Vienna University of Technology. Austria)
Jérôme Euzenat (INRIA, Grenoble, France)
Eduardo Fermé (University of Madeira, Portugal)
Sergio Alejandro Gomez (Universidad Nacional del Sur Alem, Argentina)
Fabio Grandi (University of Bologna, Italy)
Guido Governatori (NICTA Queensland, Australia)
John Horty (University of Maryland, U.S.A.)
Gabriele Kern-Isberner (University of Dortmund , Germany)
Sylvain Lagrue (University of Artois, France)
Claire Lefèvre (University of Angers, France)
Joao Leite (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Nicola Leone (University of Calabria, Italy)
Stéphane Loiseau (University of Angers, France)
Thomas Lukasiewicz (University of Oxford. U.K.)
Robert E. Mercer (University of Western Ontario, Canada)
Thomas Meyer (CSIR Meraka Institute, Pretoria, South of
Farid Nouioua (Aix Marseille University, France)
Guilin Qi (Southeast University, China)
Vincent Risch (Aix Marseille University, France)
Riccardo Rosati (University La Sapienza, Roma, Italy)
Marie-Christine Rousset (University of Grenoble, France)
Torsten Schaub (University of Potsdam. Germany)
Steven Schockaert (Cardiff University. U.K.)
Guillermo Simari (University Bahia blanca, Argentine)
Igor Stéphan (University of Angers, France)
Umberto Straccia (ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Kewen Wang (Griffith University. Australia)
Stefan Woltran (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Eric Würbel (University of Toulon, France)

Odile Papini, Aix Marseille University, LSIS, France
odile.papini at univ-amu.fr
Salem Benferhat, University of Artois, CRIL France.
benferhat at cril.fr
Laurent Garcia, University of Angers, LERIA, France.
garcia at info.univ-angers.fr
Marie-Laure Mugnier, University of Montpellier 2, LIRMM, France.
mugnier at lirmm.fr

Contact: Odile Papini, odile.papini at univ-amu.fr

This workshop receives support from ANR (French National Research Agency),
(http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr/) ASPIQ 
project reference ANR-12-BS02-0003.(http://aspiq.lsis.org/)

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