[DL] Final Call for Organisation EKAW 2016 - 20th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management

Patrick Lambrix patrick.lambrix at liu.se
Tue Nov 4 21:42:42 CET 2014

Dear EKAW community members,

As EKAW 2014 (http://www.ida.liu.se/conferences/EKAW14/) is quickly approaching, we are starting the preparations for the organisation of the next edition. We would kindly ask you to consider submitting a proposal to host and organize EKAW in 2016.

First held in 1987 and now in its 19th edition, EKAW represents the main European forum for presenting
the latest research in knowledge management and knowledge engineering. The conference is held every
two years and it is closely linked to the parallel series of K-Cap conferences in North America.

Typically, EKAW is jointly organized by a chair and a co-chair, one of which is local and the other from elsewhere. EKAW has traditionally featured a main conference track as well as poster and demonstration tracks in addition to a workshop and tutorial program.  The duties of the chair and co-chair will be to oversee the organisation of the whole conference including financial administration, registration, local organisation, program, publication of proceedings etc.

There is no budget available for organising an EKAW conference, so that each edition has to self-finance
itself through registration fees and sponsoring.

An overview of earlier locations where the conference has taken place can be found here:

We welcome proposals until the 15th of November 2014, to be sent to the current organisers of the
conference: Patrick Lambrix (patrick.lambrix at liu.se<mailto:patrick.lambrix at liu.se>) and Eero Hyvönen (eero.hyvonen at tkk.fi<mailto:eero.hyvonen at tkk.fi>). Please use "Bid for EKAW 2016" as subject of your email.

The proposal should include:

* Name, affiliation and short CV of chair and co-chair
* Specification of the complete team that will run the conference and envisioned distribution of roles (PC
Chair, Workshop Chair, Tutorial Chair etc.)
* Indication of a place and venue for the conference
* Possible Dates for the conference  (October / November 2016)

* Indication of experience of the organizers in running scientific events
* Indication of local support, infrastructure and other resources in the institution of the organizers that
will contribute to the organization of the conference
* Information about easy of travel, accommodation, etc

* Preliminary budget

Best regards,

Patrick Lambrix

Eero Hyvönen
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