[DL] 8th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2013): 2nd Call for Papers

Elena Pribavkina elena.pribavkina at gmail.com
Sun Nov 25 16:22:16 CET 2012

Dear Colleagues,

Please find below the Second Call for Papers for CSR-2013.

We apologize for possible multiple postings.

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Second Call for Papers


June 25-29, 2013, Ekaterinburg, Russia



CSR 2013 intends to reflect the broad scope of international cooperation in
computer science. It is the eighth conference in a series of regular events
previously held in St.Petersburg (2006), Ekaterinburg (2007), Moscow (2008),
Novosibirsk (2009), Kazan (2010), St.Petersburg (2011), and Nizhny
Novgorod (2012). The proceedings are published in Springer LNCS.


Deadline for submissions:       December 11, 2012
Notification of acceptance:     February 13, 2013
Conference dates:               June 25-29, 2013

As it has become a tradition, there will be YANDEX AWARDs
for the best paper and for the best student paper!


Ekaterinburg is a large city in the heart of Russia, 1600 km (a 2 hour
flight) east from Moscow. It is the capital city as well as the main
financial, cultural, and scientific centre of the Ural region.
Ekaterinburg is accessible by direct regular flights of a number of
international airlines including Lufthansa, Aeroflot, Finnair,
Czech Airlines, Turkish Airlines, and FlyDubai. Ural Federal
University is the largest Russian university outside Moscow.

TOPICS include, but are not limited to:

* algorithms and data structures
* automata and formal languages
* combinatorial optimization
* constraint solving
* computational complexity
* cryptography
* combinatorics in computer science
* computational models and concepts
* algorithms for concurrent and distributed systems, networks
* proof theory and applications of logic to computer science
* model checking
* automated reasoning
* deductive methods


* Mario Szegedy (Rutgers) will give an opening lecture

* Thomas Colcombet (CNRS)
* Gilles Dowek (INRIA)
* Alexandr Kostochka (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign /
Novosibirsk State University)
* Nicole Schweikardt (Goethe University)
* Jeffrey Shallit  (University of Waterloo)
* Paul Spirakis (University of Patras)
* Ryan Williams (Stanford University)


* Max Alekseyev (University of South Carolina)
* Andris Ambainis (University of Latvia)
* Maxim  Babenko (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
* Patrick Baillot (ENS Lyon)
* Glencora Borradaile (Oregon State University)
* Andrei Bulatov (Simon Fraser University)  Chair
* Yijia  Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
* Victor  Dalmau (University Pompeu Fabra)
* Yevgeniy Dodis (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences)
* Manfred Droste (University Leipzig)
* Anna Frid (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics)
* Hamed Hatami (McGill University)
* Tero  Harju (University of Turku)
* Michal  Koucky (Mathematical Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences)
* Stephan Kreutzer (Tecnical University of Berlin)
* Alexander Kulikov (Steklov Institute of Mathematics at St. Petersburg)
* Konstantin  Makarychev (Microsoft Research  at Redmond)
* Simone Martini (University of Bologna)
* Jaroslav Nesetril (Charles University)
* Jean-Eric Pin (University Paris 7)
* Harald Raecke (University of Munich)
* Alexander Razborov (University of Chicago and Steklov Mathematical Institute)
* Mikhail Volkov (Ural Federal University)


B.N.Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Ekaterinburg, Russia


Arseny Shur (Ural Federal University)


Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or a full paper of
at most 12 pages in the LNCS format (LaTeX, as pdf; final version with
source), in English; instructions can be found at
Proofs and other material omitted due to space constraints are to be put
into a clearly marked appendix to be read at discretion of the referees.
Papers must present original (and not previously published) research.
Simultaneous submission to journals or to other conferences with published
proceedings is not allowed. The proceedings of the symposium will be
published in Springer's LNCS series. Accepted papers MUST be presented at
the symposium.

Submissions should be uploaded to the EasyChair Conference system:


The 2nd Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptography (June 23-24, 2013)

The 6th School for students and young researchers "Computer Science
Ekaterinburg Days" (June 29 - July 1, 2013).

Workshop proposals are welcome.


Web:    http://csr2013.urfu.ru/
Email:  csr2013 at urfu.ru

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