[DL] 3 year postdoc available at the University of Oslo

Arild Waaler arild at ifi.uio.no
Wed Jul 18 12:28:37 CEST 2012

3 year postdoctoral research position available at the University of 
Oslo, Dept. of Informatics, in the research group "Logic and Intelligent 

The candidate will contribute to a newly established large-scale 
Integrating Project funded under FP7. The project is centered on 
ontology-based data access and query rewriting, applied to large-scale 
industrial data repositories.  The project combines cutting edge 
database technology, semantic technologies, and human interface 
aspects.  Relevant topics for the candidate's work include in particular

    * database schema mappings
    * search and/or query user interfaces for relational and/or semantic 
data stores

Applicants should have a strong background in either database 
technology, semantic technologies or applied logic.

Please refer to the following web page for details about the position:


You will find a link "Send application" on that page which leads you to 
a web portal where you can submit your application.

Queries about the position can be sent to both Martin Giese 
(martingi at ifi.uio.no) and Arild Waaler (arild at ifi.uio.no).  

Application deadline 15. August 2012
Starting date: no later than 1. October 2012

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