[DL] (IJMSO) Special Issue on: "Advances in Metadata and Semantics for Learning Infrastructures"

Nikos Palavitsinis palavitsinis at grnet.gr
Mon May 28 16:43:04 CEST 2012


Dear colleagues,

Please find below a call for papers for a special issue that we are 
preparing. Full submissions will be open until July 1st ***EXTENDED***

Best regards,

Nikos Palavitsinis


International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies  (IJMSO)

Call for Papers

Special Issue on: "Advances in Metadata and Semantics for Learning 

Guest Editors:
Nikos Palavitsinis, University of Alcala de Henares, Spain, and 
Agro-Know Technologies, Greece
Joris Klerkx, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Xavier Ochoa, Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral, Ecuador

A growing body of learning infrastructures and aggregators is making 
digital learning resources available to any user searching for 
educational content on various topics, through federations of learning 
repositories. The fundamental reasons behind this trend include growing 
educational demands in all countries, the limited capacity of 
face-to-face education, the effort and cost involved in building 
multimedia learning materials, and the new possibilities offered by the 

Although well-known search engines can in fact successfully retrieve 
millions of documents that exist online, based on some keywords, the 
fact remains that there is no guarantee that the results will contain 
trustable material which is exploitable in an educational setting. Such 
information can usually be found in a complete metadata record, which is 
not the case in many of the aforementioned search results.

Through the vast number of existing repositories, millions of learning 
resources are being made available; a fact that raises various research 
topics having to do with, amongst other things, the technology that 
supports them, the standards being used to describe learning objects, 
the quality of learning, metadata within the repositories, etc.

Openness of content and sharing of resources are also part of the 
ethical but also very technical issues that arise for learning 
repositories and learning infrastructures in general. The general aim of 
this special issue is to assess the current status and technologies, as 
well as to outline the major challenges and future perspectives, related 
to the development of learning repositories and wider infrastructures. 
It aims to provide an overview of the state of the art in this field by 
including a wide range of interdisciplinary contributions. Overall, it 
aims to outline the rich potential of repositories for learning as an 
application field for advanced metadata- and semantic-driven systems and 

Subject Coverage

Suitable topics include but are not limited to:

- Information standards and specifications
- Metadata schemas and application profiles
- Multilingual vocabularies, taxonomies, glossaries and thesauri
- (Semi-) automatic metadata generation
- Visualisation techniques for metadata, content, repositories
- Metadata metrics
- Learning content search and exchange
- Infrastructures, systems and services for knowledge organisatio- n
- Learning content archives' preservation and maintenance
- Ontology approaches, models, theories and languages
- Semantic representation of learning materials
- Cloud facilities and supercomputing for learning infrastructures
- Attention, usage metadata and paradata for learning analytics
- Quality in metadata
- Multilingual metadata and semantics

Notes for Prospective Authors

Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be 
currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. (N.B. 
Conference papers may only be submitted if the paper was not originally 
copyrighted and if it has been completely re-written).

All papers are refereed through a peer review process. A guide for 
authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting 
papers are available on the Author Guidelines page.

Important Dates

Submission of extended abstract (recommended-not obligatory): 1 April, 
2012 (by email)
Notification of appropriateness: 15 April, 2012
Manuscript submission: 15 June, 2012 (online)
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 1 September, 2012
Final manuscript due: 1 November, 2012

Editors and Notes

Potential contributors are strongly encouraged to submit an extended 
abstract for feedback as to the suitability of proposed papers to the 
following address before 1 April 2012: palavitsinis at agroknow.gr

All papers must be submitted online. To submit a paper, please go to 
Online Submissions of Papers. If you experience any problems submitting 
your paper online, please contact submissions at inderscience.com, 
describing the exact problem you experience. (Please include in your 
email the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the 
names of the Guest Editors)

Nikos Palavitsinis

PhD Candidate in University of Alcala de Henares, Spain
MSc in Geographic Information Systems, Agricultural University of Athens
BSc Information Systems, Athens University of Economics&  Business
Department of Management Science&  Technology

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