[DL] I-SEMANTICS 2012: Call for Posters & Demos / Call for PhD Track. Deadline May 31, 2012.

Katrin Weller Weller at uni-duesseldorf.de
Fri Apr 27 18:14:59 CEST 2012

Call for Posters & Demos, Call for PhD Track

8th International Conference on Semantic Systems

I-SEMANTICS 2012 Poster & Demo Track
I-SEMANTICS 2012 PhD Track

Graz, Austria, 5-7 September 2012
Hashtag:  #isem2012

Submission Deadline: May 31, 2012

Conference Scope
I-SEMANTICS 2012 (http://www.i-semantics.at) is the 8th International 
Conference within the I-SEMANTICS series. I-SEMANTICS 2012 brings 
together both researchers and practitioners in the areas of Semantic 
Technologies, Linked Data and the Semantic Web in order to showcase 
cutting edge research, demonstrators and applications for the Corporate 
and Social Semantic Web. As in the past years, the I-SEMANTICS 
conference will be complemented by I-KNOW (www.i-know.at), the 12th 
International Conference on Knowledge Management, aiming to reflect the 
increasing importance and convergence of knowledge management and 
semantic systems.

Submissions for the main conference track are closed. But the calls for 
posters & demos and for submissions to the PhD track of I-SEMANTICS 2012 
are still open! You can find information about these tracks below or 
online at: http://i-semantics.tugraz.at/posters-demos-phd/call-for-papers


The Poster & Demo track offers an opportunity for presenting 
late-breaking research results, ongoing research projects, and 
speculative or innovative work in progress. The informal setting 
encourages presenters and participants to engage in discussions about 
the presented work.

Submission Guidelines
Poster and demo submissions consist of a 3-4 page description that is 
uploaded using Easychair 
Submissions must be in the Springer LNCS format 
(http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs/lncs+authors), i.e. please do NOT 
use the ACM template from the I-SEMANTICS website. All accepted poster 
and demo papers are planned to be published as a volume on CEUR-WS after 
the conference.

Important Dates
    * Submission Deadline: May 31, 2012
    * Notification of Acceptance: June 28, 2012
    * Camera-Ready Paper: August 31, 2012
    * I-SEMANTICS 2012 Conference: September 5-7

Program Committee Poster & Demo Track
    * Simone Braun, FZI Research Center for Information Technologies, 
    * Richard Cyganiak, DERI Galway, Ireland
    * Claudia D'Amato, University of Bari, Italy
    * Philipp Heim, Trumpf Group, Germany
    * Aidan Hogan, DERI Galway, Ireland
    * Tim Hussein, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
    * Pablo Mendes, FU Berlin, Germany
    * Jindrich Mynarz, National Technical Library, Czech Republic
    * Teresa Onorati, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
    * Alexandre Passant, DERI Galway, Ireland
    * Heiko Paulheim, TU Darmstadt, Germany
    * John Pereira, Salzburg Research, Austria
    * Thomas Riechert, University of Leipzig, Germany
    * Boris Villazón-Terrazas, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain

Chair Poster & Demo Track: Steffen Lohmann, University of Stuttgart
contact: isem2012poster at easychair.org


This track addresses PhD students at an early stage of their doctoral 
studies, who want to receive feedback from experienced researchers. 
Applicants should be PhD students (from any country), conducting ongoing 
research in the areas of semantic technologies, Linked Data and the 
Semantic Web. Selected PhD papers are planned to be published on CEUR-WS 
after the conference.

Submission Guidelines

PhD track submissions should consist of up to 1.500 words and contain 
the following:

* Name, affiliation and contact details of the PhD student
* Name(s) of the supervisor(s)
* Summary of the research project, including:
    *  Problem: research questions, motivation, state of the art and 
relevance for the fields of Semantic Technologies, Linked Data and 
Semantic Web
    *  Approach: (planned) approach and methodology
    *  Current status / timeline: current status of the work and any 
results that have already been reached plus outlook to future work
    *  A list of key questions that the PhD student wants to discuss 
during the event
Submissions to this track must be in the Springer LNCS format. Please 
submit your proposal via easychair: 

Important Dates
    * Submission Deadline: May 31, 2012
    * Notification of Acceptance: June 28, 2012
    * Camera-Ready Paper: August 31, 2012
    * I-SEMANTICS 2012 Conference: September 5-7

Program Committee PhD Track (to be completed)
    * Dominik Benz, University of Kassel, Germany
    * Carola Carstens, Brussels, Belgium
    * Irene Celino, ICT Institute Politecnico di Milano, Italy
    * Thomas Gottron,  University of Koblenz, Germany
    * Christoph Lange, University of Bremen, Germany
    * Matthew Rowe, The Open University, UK

Chair PhD Track: Katrin Weller, University of Düsseldorf
contact: isem2012phd at easychair.org

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