[DL] Call for Workshop Proposals

kli22 kli22 at buffalo.edu
Fri Jan 20 17:42:05 CET 2012

*Workshops: *The ACM-BCB-2012 organizing committee invites proposals for 
workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. The purpose of 
a workshop is to provide participants with the opportunity to present 
and discuss novel research ideas on active and emerging topics in 
bioinformatics and computational biology. A workshop should also support 
the interaction and feedback among topic specialists from academia, 
industry and government.**

Workshops that focus on a challenge problem, e.g., flexible docking, 
computational drug design, or emerging topics e.g., computational 
immunology and vaccinology, analysis of protein-RNA interactions, 
multi-scale modeling, are especially welcome. Please note that the 
conference does not have funding for invitation of workshop speakers. 
All workshop attendees are expected to register for the conference. 
Student participants in the workshops can apply for a limited number of 
student travel fellowships from the conference on a competitive basis.

The workshops organizers must be prepared to create a workshop web page 
to be linked to the main conference web page, announce the workshop and 
call for papers, gather submissions, conduct the review process and 
decide the final workshop program.

They must also prepare an informal workshop proceedings to be 
distributed with the registration materials at the conference or 
published on the web. They may choose to form organizing or program 
committees for assistance in these tasks. The logistics of the workshops 
will be coordinated with help from the ACM BCB-2012 organizers.

*Proposals should be no more than 3 pages in length and must 
include the following:

• Description of the workshop abstract, objectives, goals, relevance, 
and expected outcome
• Description of workshop topic and the associated research issues
• Description of the target audience
• Past workshops and other related recent workshops
• Preferred duration of the workshop (full day or half day)
• Contact information (address, email, and phone) for all organizers
• A designated contact person

The organizers may include 2 additional pages to provide the following 
additional information:

• One or more potential invited speakers
• A list of potential authors
• A list of potential attendees
Proposals should be submitted by February 14, 2012* *by email (with 
subject “ACM-BCB Workshop Proposal” to Vasant Honvar 
(honavar at cs.iastate.edu <mailto:honavar at cs.iastate.edu>), Proposers will 
be notified by March 1, 2012

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