[DL] KI 2012: Call for Workshop Proposal

Daniel Sonntag sonntag at dfki.de
Tue Jan 3 00:12:46 CET 2012

Call for Workshop Proposals
KI 2012, Saarbrücken, 24-27 September, http://www.dfki.de/ki2012/

KI 2012, the 35th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence, invites 
original research papers, as well as workshop and tutorial proposals 
from all areas of AI, its fundamentals, its algorithms, and its 

Together with the main conference, we aim at organizing a small number 
of high-quality workshops suitable for a large percentage of conference 
participants, including graduate students as well as experienced 
researchers and practitioners.

General Information
Workshops will be free of charge for conference participants and will be 
held at the first day of the conference. Both full-day (6 hours) and 
half-day (3 hours) workshops are of interest. They should preferably be 
given in English.
The KI 2012 conference organizers will provide logistic support and 
meeting places for the workshops as well as determine the dates and 
times of the workshops.
Working and teaching material will be printed by the conference 
organization. Volumes are limited to a total of 200 pages.

How to Propose a Workshop
Proposals should be prepared in PDF, or plain ASCII (two pages) and sent 
by email to the KI 2012 Workshop Chair. Each workshop proposal should 
provide the following information:

     * Description of workshop topic and goal. This description should 
discuss the relevance of the suggested topic and its interest to the 
general AI community and the KI 2012 audience.
     * Names and full addresses (including email and web address) of the 
workshop organizer(s). This can be a single person or a group of 
persons. Please indicate the primary contact person for the workshop to 
KI 2012. Strong proposals include organizers who bring differing 
perspectives to the workshop topic and who are actively connected to the 
communities of potential participants.
     * Names and affiliation of the members of the proposed Program 
     * For which areas of AI do you expect to draw participants for your 
workshop and how many participants do you expect? How do you plan to 
invite participants for the workshop?
     * A brief description of the workshop format regarding the mix of 
events such as paper presentations, invited talks, panels, 
demonstrations, and general discussions.
     * Do you expect the workshop to be a full-day workshop or a 
half-day workshop?
     * A list of important dates (submission deadline etc) for the workshop.

Workshop organizers will be responsible for:

     * Producing a call for participation. This call will be posted on 
the KI 2012 website.
     * Organizers are responsible for additional publicity such as 
distributing the call to relevant newsgroups and electronic mailing 
lists, and especially to potential audiences from outside the KI 
conference community.
     * Submissions of the workshop papers will be handled by the 
workshop organizers. Please make sure that you have a proper review process.
     * Organizers are encouraged to maintain their own web site with 
updated information about the workshop. This site will be linked from 
the KI 2012 conference site.
     * Coordinating the production of the workshop notes. The workshop 
organizers coordinate the paper collection, production, and distribution 
of the working notes for the workshops.

Important Dates and Information
Proposal deadline:                March 15, 2012
Notification of acceptance:                    April 1, 2012
CFP for the workshops due:        April 15, 2012
Workshop proceedings ready:        September 1, 2012
Workshop date:                September 24, 2012, Saarbrücken

Workshop Chair: Gabriele Kern-Isberner, TU Dortmund, 
gabriele.kern-isberner at cs.tu-dortmund.de

KI 2012, Saarbrücken, 24-27 September, http://www.dfki.de/ki2012/

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