[DL] (no subject)

Reul, Q. H. q.reul at abdn.ac.uk
Fri Jun 19 12:45:39 CEST 2009

Dear List,

I used to use FaCT++ on Windows and it worked once I moved the dll file in the right directory. I'm trying to do the same on a MacBook and I have issues. I use the latest version of the FaCT++ jar file (i.e. 1.3) with the FaCT++ OWL 1.1 jar file. I have moved the libFaCTPlusPlusJNI.jnilib and FaCT++.Server into /System/Library/Java/Extensions but I have an error when running see below:

FaCT++.Kernel: Reasoner for the SROIQ(D) Description Logic
Copyright (C) Dmitry V. Tsarkov, 2002-2009. Version 1.3.0 (29 May 2009)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Luk/ac/manchester/cs/factplusplus/AxiomPointer;
       at uk.ac.manchester.cs.factplusplus.FaCTPlusPlus.tellSubClassOf(Native Method)
       at uk.ac.manchester.cs.factplusplus.owlapi.AxiomLoader.visit(AxiomLoader.java:66)
       at uk.ac.manchester.cs.owl.OWLSubClassAxiomImpl.accept(OWLSubClassAxiomImpl.java:75)
       at uk.ac.manchester.cs.factplusplus.owlapi.OntologyLoader.loadOntologies(OntologyLoader.java:61)

I have received the solution from Dimitry as follows:
Axioms are new to the 1.3.0 version, so you need to have the the correspondent OWL API version. You can get it from http://code.google.com/p/factplusplus/downloads/detail?name=FaCTpp-OWLAPI-v1.3.0.1.jar&can=2&q=#makechanges .

Kind regards,

Quentin Reul

The University of Aberdeen is a charity registered in Scotland, No SC013683.

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