Fred Freitas fred at cin.ufpe.br
Fri Jul 6 03:29:54 CEST 2007

We invite you to submit papers to

      2^nd Workshop on Building and Applying Ontologies for the Semantic Web

a part of the the *13^th Portuguese Conference on Artificial 
Intelligence *(EPIA 2007) http://epia2007.appia.pt/

The deadline for submission is,* now*, *15 . July . 2007*.

This workshop addresses the problems of building and applying ontologies 
in the Semantic Web and other areas listed below, as well as the 
theoretical and practical challenges arising from these applications. We 
invite contributions to enhance the state-of-the-art of creating, 
managing and using ontologies.

      Topics of Interest

Ontology Engineering:

    - methodologies
    - capture and learning
    - evaluation
    - management
    - evolution

Semantic Interoperability

    - composition and modularity
    - combining, merging, mapping and alignment
    - translating and transforming
    - ontology language interoperability 

Ontologies for Information Sharing

    - ontology-based Information integration
    - mediators and brokers
    - agents and ontologies 

Ontology Applications

- semantic web
- knowledge management
- e-commerce, e-government, e-learning and e-science
- information retrieval
- p2p networks
- web services annotation

      Organising Committee

H. Sofia Pinto(INESC-ID/IST), < sofia at algos.inesc-id.pt 
<mailto:sofia at algos.inesc-id.pt> This email address is being protected 
from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it >
Andreia Malucelli (PUCPR/LIACC), < malu at ppgia.pucpr.br 
<mailto:malu at ppgia.pucpr.br> This email address is being protected from 
spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it >
Fred Freitas (UFPE), < fred at cin.ufpe.br <mailto:fred at cin.ufpe.br> This 
email address is being protected from spam bots, you need Javascript 
enabled to view it >
Philipp Cimiano, (AIFB), < cimiano at aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de 
<mailto:cimiano at aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de> This email address is being 
protected from spam bots, you need Javascript enabled to view it >

      EPIA 2007*, 3 - 7 December 2007, Guimarães, Portugal*

The purpose of this conference is to promote the research in Artificial 
Intelligence (AI) and scientific exchange among AI researchers, 
practitioners, scientists and engineers in related disciplines.
As in the previous editions, the program will be prearranged in terms of 
workshops dedicated to specific themes of AI,  invited lectures, 
tutorials, thematic panels and exhibit sessions all selected according 
to the highest reviewing principles. The program will include a doctoral 
consortium. The conference is devoted to all areas of Artificial 
Intelligence and will cover both theoretical and foundational issues and 
applications as well.
The official language is the English.

      Paper Submission

Submissions must follow the guidelines specified in the conference site. 
Authors must remove their names from the submitted papers, and should 
take reasonable care not to indirectly disclose their identity. The 
Springer LNCS format must be used (instructions in 
<http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html>). The maximum length of 
the papers is defined for each Workshop, but will never exceed 12 pages. 
Extra pages will be charged by the Conference Organisation.

Paper submissions will be made in PDF format, through the submission 
page available in EPIA 2007 website.


Springer LNAIWorkshop papers of higher quality will be selected for 
publication in the main volume of the conference proceedings, to be 
published by Springer, in the LNAI series. The remaining accepted papers 
will be published in local workshop proceedings, in hard-copy, in CD-ROM 
and in the web.

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