[DL] Calls for Workshops & Tutorials, KI-2007 (German Conference on AI)

Joachim Hertzberg hertzberg at informatik.uni-osnabrueck.de
Mon Nov 13 10:15:47 CET 2006

Please distribute!

Apologies for multiple postings

1. Call for Workshop Proposals
2. Call for Tutorial Proposals


KI 2007 -- 30th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence
10 - 13 September 2007, Osnabrueck, Germany



KI-2007 is the 30th edition of the German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, which traditionally brings together academic and
industrial researchers from all areas of AI. The technical programme
of KI 2007 will comprise paper and poster presentations and a variety
of workshops and tutorials.

We solicit proposals for workshops to be held together with KI 2007.
Eligible topics include all subareas of Artificial Intelligence, as
well as their foundations and applications. Since KI 2007 puts an
emphasis on AI as a part of cognitive science, workshops covering
this and related subjects are particularly welcome.


How to Propose a Workshop

Proposals should be prepared in postscript, PDF, or plain ASCII (two
to four pages) and sent by email to the KI07 Workshop Chair at

	lutz at tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de

They should be formulated in English language and must arrive by
January, 22nd. Each workshop proposal should provide the following

- Description of workshop topic and goal. This description should
    discuss the relevance of the suggested topic and its interest
    for the general AI community and the KI 2007 audience.

- Names and full addresses (including email and web address) of the
    workshop organiser(s). This can be a single person or a group of
    persons. Please indicate the primary contact person for KI 2007.
    Describe the background of the organizers regarding the workshop

- For which areas of AI do you expect to draw participants for your
    workshop and how many participants do you expect? How do you plan
    to attract enough participants for the workshop?

- How will the workshop be organized, i.e., will there be a program
    committee, will the technical program consist of talks, panels,
    demos? How will a lively and interactive atmosphere be established?

- Do you expect the workshop to be a full-day workshop or a half-day


Important Dates

Proposal deadline:        January 22nd, 2007
Acceptance Notification:  January 31st, 2007
CFP for the Workshop due: February 15th, 2007
Proceedings due:          August 12th, 2007
Workshop:                 Septemer 10th, 2007


KI07 - Workshop Chair
Dr. Carsten Lutz
TU Dresden
Institut fuer Theoretische Informatik
01062 Dresden
Phone: (+49) 351 - 463-39171
lutz at tcs.inf.tu-dresden.de



KI-2007 is the 30th edition of the German Conference on Artificial
Intelligence, which traditionally brings together academic and
industrial researchers from all areas of AI. The technical programme
of KI 2007 will comprise paper and poster presentations and a variety
of workshops and tutorials.

Tutorials will be held the day before the technical program starts.  
They will be free of charge for participants. We aim at a small  
number of high-quality tutorials that are suitable for a large  
percentage of conference participants, including graduate students as  
well as experienced researchers and practitioners.



Tutorials should give a comprehensive, in-depth perspective on  
innovative AI methods or technologies that have an obvious potential  
for research and/or application and are not covered by typical AI  
textbooks. KI-2007 puts an emphasis on Artificial Intelligence as a  
part of Cognitive Science. Hence we especially encourage tutorial  
proposals covering cognitive aspects of AI. Do not hesitate to  
contact the conference or tutorial Chairs if you are in doubt about  
the suitability of a particular topic for the purpose. Both full-day  
(6 hours) and half-day (3 hours) tutorials are of interest.


KI-2007 tutorials will be held on September 10, 2007. They should  
preferably be given in English. The revenue for tutor(s) consists of  
free participation at the KI-2007 conference, plus reasonable travel  
support if necessary. Teaching material will be printed and  
distributed by the conference organization.

How to Propose a Tutorial

Proposals must contain the necessary information to judge the  
importance, quality and community interest in the proposed tutorial  
as well as the expertise of its tutor(s). Proposals must include  
descriptions of the tutorial goals, the intended audience, an outline  
of the contents, and brief CVs of the tutor(s), including their  
expertise and teaching experience in the field. If material is  
available from recent teaching about the proposed topic, proposers  
are encouraged to include excerpts of it as an annex of their  

Proposal texts should be submitted by e-mail to the Tutorial Chair,  
in plain text format; annexes may be in .pdf, .ps, .ppt, or .doc format.


Important Dates

Proposal deadline:			Jan 22, 2007
Acceptance Notification:		Jan 31, 2007
Camera-ready teaching material due:	Aug 01, 2007
Tutorial:				Sep 10, 2007


KI-2007 Tutorial Chair

Dr. Jörg Hoffmann

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