[DL] CFP: M4M-4 Program and Call for Participation

Holger Schlingloff holger.schlingloff at first.fhg.de
Wed Nov 16 18:25:06 CET 2005

Apologies if you recieve this call for participation more than once.

            Methods for Modalities - CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

The workshop "Methods for Modalities" (M4M) aims to bring together
researchers interested in developing algorithms, verification methods
and tools based on modal logic. Here the term "modal logics" is conceived
broadly, including description logic, guarded fragments, conditional logic,
temporal and hybrid logic, etc.

This year's M4M will take place in Berlin - Adlershof, Germany.
It is hosted by FIRST, the Fraunhofer Institute of Computer Architecture
and Software Technology, in collaboration with the computer science
institute of Humboldt University.

The workshop dates are December 1st and 2nd, 2005. THIS IS IN TWO WEEKS!
The conference fee of 160 Euros includes the excursion with conference
dinner, which will take us at Dec 1st onto a beautiful boat cruising
the illuminated nightly waterways of Germany's capital.
Registration is now open at http://m4m.loria.fr/M4M4/workshop.html

To encourage broad participation of young researchers, posters and
system demos are still accepted for presentation.
For more information, see the conference web site.

See you in Berlin!
The Methods For Modalities Organization Team.

The following people have agreed to give invited lectures:

   François Laroussinie, ENS Cachan and CNRS.
     Title: Timed Modal Logics for the Verification of Real-Time Systems.

   Martin Lange, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.
     Title: Temporal Logics for Non-Regular Properties

   Wim Martens, Hasselt University.
     Title: The Typechecking Problem for XML Transformations.

   Boris Motik, Universität Karlsruhe.
     Title: Description Logics and Disjunctive Datalog - More Than just a 
Fleeting Resemblance?.

   Boris Konev, University of Liverpool.
     Title: Theory and Practice of Theorem Proving for Monodic First-Order 
Temporal Logic.

   Uwe Scheffler, Humboldt Universität.
     Title: Vague is Modal and Predicate Modifying.
The following is the list of accepted papers:

   Franz Baader, Carsten Lutz and Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn: Is Tractable 
Reasoning in Extensions of the Description Logic EL Useful in Practice?

   Thomas Bolander and Torben Braüner: Two Tableau-Based Decision Procedures 
for Hybrid Logic

   Davide Bresolin and Angelo Montanari: A tableau-based decision procedure 
for a branching-time interval temporal logic

   Yegor Bryukhov: Automatic proof search in logic of justified common knowledge

   Mika Cohen and Mads Dam: A Completeness Result for BAN Logic

   Massimo Franceschet and Enrico Zimuel: Modal logic and navigational XPath: 
an experimental comparison

   Regis Gascon: Verifying qualitative and quantitative properties with LTL 
over concrete domains

   Laura Giordano, Valentina Gliozzi, Nicola Olivetti and Camilla Schwind: 
Extensions of Tableau calculi for preference-based conditional logics

   Johan W. Klüwer and Arild Waaler: Natural deduction for belief "at most"

   Mathis Kretz, Gerhard Jäger and Thomas Studer: Cut-free axiomatizations 
for stratified modal fixed point logic

   Martin Mundhenk, Thomas Schneider, Thomas Schwentick and Volker Weber: 
Complexity of Hybrid Logics over Transitive Frames

   Nicola Olivetti and Gian Luca Pozzato: KLMLean 1.0, a Theorem Prover for 
Logics of Default Reasoning

   Evangelos Tzanis: Hybrid Logic with operations on nominals

   Wouter van Atteveldt and Stefan Schlobach: A Modal View on Polder Politics

   Dirk Walther: ATEL with Common and Distributed Knowledge is ExpTime-Complete

   Evgeny Zolin: Query answering based on modal correspondence theory

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