[DL] CADE 19 Final Call for Papers

Christopher Lynch clynch at clarkson.edu
Mon Jan 13 06:51:59 CET 2003

Note that title and abstract must be submitted by January 24,
and full paper must be submitted by January 31.


The 19th International Conference on Automated Deduction 
Miami, USA
July 28 - August 2, 2003

CADE-19 invites paper submissions related to all aspects of automated
deduction, including foundations, implementations, and applications.
Original research papers, papers on applications of automated deduction
methods and systems, and descriptions of working automated deduction
systems are solicited.  

Logics of interest include propositional, first-order, equational, 
higher-order, classical, intuitionistic, constructive, modal, temporal,
many-valued, substructural, description, and meta-logics, logical
frameworks, type theory and set theory.  

Methods of interest include saturation, resolution, tableaux, sequent 
calculi, term rewriting, induction, unification, constraint solving, 
decision procedures, model generation, model checking, natural deduction, 
proof planning, proof presentation, proof checking, and explanation. 

Applications of interest include hardware and software development,
systems analysis and verification, deductive databases, functional and
logic programming, computer mathematics, natural language processing,
computational linguistics, robotics, planning, knowledge representation,
and other areas of AI. 

Conference submission is electronic in postscript format. Submitted papers
should conform to the Springer LNCS style. In addition to papers on
foundations (15 pages), we encourage the submission of application papers
(10 pages), and of short system descriptions (5 pages).  Simultaneous
submission to other conferences with proceedings or submission of material   
that has already been published elsewhere is not allowed. In the case of
doubts on this point please contact the program chair. Papers that are too
long will not be considered. 

December 15, 2002:  Deadline for submission of workshop and tutorial proposals
January 15, 2003:   Notification of acceptance of workshops and tutorials
January 24, 2003:   Deadline for electronic submission of title and short abstract
January 31, 2003:   Deadline for electronic submission of papers
March 31, 2003:     Notification of acceptance of papers 
April 30, 2003:     Deadline for final version of accepted papers

Geoff Sutcliffe (University of Miami, USA)
Jeff Pelletier (University of Alberta, Canada)

Franz Baader (TU Dresden, Germany)

Alessandro Armando (Universita di Genova, Italy)
Gilles Dowek (INRIA Rocquencourt, France)
Thomas Eiter (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Harald Ganzinger (Max-Planck-Institute, Germany)
Bernhard Gramlich (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
Reiner Hahnle (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
Miki Hermann (Ecole Polytechnique, France)
Andreas Herzig (Universite Paul Sabatier, France)
Ian Horrocks (University of Manchester, UK)
Dieter Hutter (DFKI, Germany)
Andrew Ireland (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
Deepak Kapur (University of New Mexico, USA)
Reinhold Letz (LMU Munich, Germany)
Christopher Lynch (Clarkson University, USA)
Fabio Massacci (University of Trento, Italy)
John C. Mitchell (Stanford University, USA)
Ilkka Niemela (Helsinki University of Technology, Finland)
Lawrence C. Paulson (University of Cambridge, UK)
Nicolas Peltier (IMAG Grenoble, France)
Frank Pfenning (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Albert Rubio (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Natarajan Shankar (SRI, USA)
John Slaney (Australian National University, Australia)
Cesare Tinelli (University of Iowa , USA)
Moshe Vardi (Rice University, USA)
Toby Walsh (University of York, UK)

Cesare Tinelli (University of Iowa , USA)

Christopher Lynch (Clarkson University, USA)

Ed Clarke (Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Anthony Cohn (University of Leeds, UK)
Helene Kirchner (LORIA-CNRS & INRIA, France)
Greg Nelson (HP SRC Classic, USA)

More details are available on the conference webpage

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