[DL] CFP: LMCS'02 - Buchberger's 60th Birthday.

windsteiger wolfgang Wolfgang.Windsteiger at risc.uni-linz.ac.at
Wed Sep 25 16:15:20 CEST 2002

ATTENTION: Early registration deadline on Oct 1, 2002!

For registrations after October 1 we can't guarantee accomodation in Linz.

                           Call For Participation

          Symposium in Honor of Bruno Buchberger's 60th Birthday 

          (Logic, Mathematics and Computer Science: Interactions)

                       October 20 - 22, 2002
               Research Institute for Symbolic Computation
                    Johannes Kepler University
                       Castle of Hagenberg 
                          A-4232 Austria


Bruno Buchberger, Professor of Computer Mathematics at Research Institute 
for Symbolic Computation, will turn 60 on October 22, 2002.  
The symposium is held in honor of his many major contributions 
to logic, mathematics and computer science and their interactions. 

The program will consist of 

   * Invited talks       
   * Contributed talks
   * Panel discussions
   * Press conference 	
   * Birthday Banquet

How to Register

The conference consists of two parts:

  October 20 - 21: Contributed talks, informal remarks, tours
  October 22     : Invited talks, press conference, and banquet

We encourage you to register for the whole three days and the banquet
since various events/activities honoring Bruno Buchberger 
will be held throughout the three days.
In case you cannot make all three days, you can attend only the second
part (one day) with a reduced registration fee.

In order to register, please visit:

Since the meeting is held in honor of Buchberger's achievements,
the presentations will cover scientific and educational topics related to 
Buchberger's works and interests:

   Logic       : Automatic/natural deduction, Goedel numberings 
   Math        : Theory of Groebner bases and applications 
   CS          : Parallel/systolic/hybrid symbolic computation

   Interaction : Uniform frameworks for formalizing, proving, solving and computing

   * Accepted contributed papers will be published in a proceedings 
     that will be available at the meeting.

   * After the meeting

     - the invited talks will be published in the 
       RISC book series (Springer Heidelberg, editor Peter Paule).
     - the extended versions of the contributed papers will be published 
       in a special issue of the Journal of Symbolic Computation after a
       standard journal refereeing procedure (guest editor Deepak Kapur).
Invited Speakers

The invited talks will be given in the frame of the 
honorary colloquium on October 22.

   Henk Barendregt   (Netherlands):
   Mathematician-friendly proof-assistants

   Manfred Broy      (Germany):
   The Role of Logic and Algebra in Software Engineering
   Dana Scott        (USA):
   Title of talk to be announced.

   Doron Zeilberger  (USA):
   Towards a SymbolicComputational Philosophy (and Methodology!) for Mathematics

   Stephen Wolfram   (USA):
   Title of talk to be announced.

   Bruno Buchberger  (Austria): 
   Title of talk to be announced.

Contributed Presentations

The contributed presentations will be given in the frame of the 
LMCS'02 workshop held October 20-21.

General Chairs  
   Hoon Hong            (USA)
   hong at math.ncsu.edu

   Franz Winkler        (Austria)
   winkler at risc.uni-linz.ac.at

Program Committee Chair   
   Deepak Kapur          (USA)
   kapur at cs.unm.edu

Program Committee   
   Franz Baader         (Germany)
   Alan Bundy           (UK)
   John Cannon          (Australia) 
   Alain Colmerauer     (France) 
   Nachum Dershowitz    (Israel)
   Vladimir Gerdt       (Russia) 
   Christoph Hoffmann   (USA)
   Tetsuo Ida           (Japan)  
   Volker Weispfenning  (Germany)

Local Chair

  Tudor Jebelean        (Austria)
  jebelean at risc.uni-linz.ac.at

   Koji Nakagawa        (Austria)
   nakagawa at risc.uni-linz.ac.at


   Wolfgang Windsteiger (Austria)
   windsteiger at risc.uni-linz.ac.at

Local Organization
   Betina Curtis        (Austria)
   Hagenberg Congress GmbH
   curtis at risc.uni-linz.ac.at


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